“Her” is an ongoing series exploring what it’s like to be a woman. This series shares stories of individual women and what makes them feel beautiful and the most connected to themselves. Each shoot is curated based on the following questions: What does femininity mean to you? When do you feel the most connected to yourself?
“This is very much commemorating my sacred space that has held me, my dreams, and has incubated me. My home has created a safe space for me to feel like I can spread my wings and flourish again, while letting my space be a reflection of my femininity.
I think, my home is actually probably the most feminine thing about me. Yeah, that I created my own little kind of fairy kingdom with all these little pockets and places to just, like, flutter around.”
- Monique Coleman (on healing & femininity)
“I feel the most beautiful when I'm in the process of creation. That's when I truly feel limitless and whenever I'm in those moments there's this non-judgmental movement and surrender and really leaning into my intuition. What women are as a whole is just so abundant. It's so powerful. It's so bold. There's not this You know, once I get here, I'm a woman. Once I do this, once I've accomplished this, I'm feminine. I always wanted to exemplify or create something that honored imperfections in women. I think the more laugh lines, the better.”
- Raspy Rivera
“Femininity to me is so many things, but that's like what a woman is- everything at the same time. I feel the most beautiful, probably at home, and by my parents for sure. There's just something about growing up barefoot, being messy is like being free. And then this is a nice space to create that. Making dinner for my family, making bread, making a gift for someone and that's what I think of when I think of being like the most beautiful version of myself.
- Lindsey Ridings
“I love being a woman. I don't feel bad for men because they're men, but I feel really lucky that I get to be one. It's funny because it's such an important part of my life, but I've always really identified with men too, because that's something that I love. People are confused with my sexuality sometimes, which is really flattering. But femininity is just something definitely I was born with. I like to explore everything because I love everything.
I feel most connected to myself in nature. I really don't need anybody else and I feel super connected to myself and to everything around me. My sister passed away eight days before my birthday, and so my husband said, “What do you want for your birthday? And I said, when we were taking care of her in San Francisco, everyone had one of these little fences with the arch, and I said, I want one of those. And so he built me one, And so he built me one, and so it's sort of like a little garden that's dedicated to her.
- Heather French
We kind of have something that men want whether they admit it or not. Your sexual power or your physical power or your mental power, we can be really quiet about it, or we can be really loud about it. But if you want something done really well, that women can do it really, really well and they're not going to be show-offs about it. I think women are used to being criticized, so they work really twice as hard. I really do feel that way a lot of times.
-Heather French
“I think there is an association with femininity and weakness. But I think being a woman means that you can be soft and gentle, while also strong, simultaneously. It just does coexist, which is really cool. I feel like being a woman is my superpower”
- Camry Carbol